
Nilanjan Chatterjee, PhD

Bloomberg Distinguished Professor

Department of Biostatistics, Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of Oncology, School of Medicine

Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biostatistics
615 N Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: 410-502-8971
Fax: 410-955-0958

Administrative Coordinator:
Kim Clay
Phone:  410-955-3067



iCARE allows researchers to quickly build models for absolute risk, and apply them to estimate an individual's risk of developing disease during a specifed time interval, based on a set of user defined input parameters. An attractive feature of the software is that it gives users fexibility to update models rapidly based on new knowledge of risk factors and tailor models to different populations. The tool requires three input arguments be specifed: (1) a model for relative risk (2) an age-specifc disease incidence rate and (3) the distribution of risk factors for the population of interest. The tool handles missing risk factor information for individuals for whom risks are to be predicted using a coherent approach where all estimates are derived from a single model after appropriate model averaging. The software allows single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to be incorporated into the model using published odds ratios and allele frequencies.

An R package to compute Individualized Coherent Absolute Risk Estimators (iCARE)



Paige Maas, William Wheeler, Mark N. Brook, David Check, Montse Garcia-Closas, and Nilanjan Chatterjee


Paige Maas, William Wheeler, Mark N. Brook, David Check, Montse Garcia-Closas, and Nilanjan Chatterjee

Maas P, Wheeler W, Brook MN, Check DP, Garcia-Closas M, Chatterjee N. iCARE: An R Package to Build and Apply Absolute Risk Models. 2015 Submitted