Administrative Coordinator to Nilanjan Chatterjee, PhD
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biostatistics
(Phone) 410-955-3067
Administrative Coordinator to Nilanjan Chatterjee, PhD
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biostatistics
(Phone) 410-955-3067
Post-doctoral Fellow (2019-2022), Current Position: Earl Stadtman Investigator, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics,National Cancer Institute.
Post-doctoral Fellow (2019-2022) - NIH K99-ROO pathway to independence award winner, Current position: Assistant Professor, Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania
PhD Student (2016-2020), Post-doctoral Fellow (2020-2023), Current position: Research Scientist, Pfeizer Inc.
PhD Student (2019-2023), Current position: Assistant Manager, Statistical Genetics, Regeneron Inc.
PhD Student (2020-2024), Current position: Post-doctoral Fellow, Stanford University
PhD Student (2020-2024), Current position: TBA
Post-doctoral Fellow (2016-2019), Current Position: Principal Scientist, American Cancer Society
PhD Student (2015-2019), Current position: Earl Stadtman Investigator, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute
Post-doctoral Fellow (2016-2019), Current position: Assistant Professor, The University of Hongkong
PhD student (2017-2020), Current Position: Assistant Professor, Mass General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Post-doctoral Fellow, 2018-2020, Current Position: Assistant Member, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
PhD Student, 2017-2020, Current Position: Geneticist, Regeneron Pharmaceutical
PhD Student, 2017-2020, Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, Seattle
PhD Student, 2018-2021, Current Position: Post-doctoral Fellow, National Cancer Institute
PhD Student, 2018-2021, Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, University of California, Riverside
Tad Berkery is an undergraduate at Johns Hopkins University majoring in Computer Science and Economics. He primarily focuses on designing and implementing software and web applications that enable the public to make use of models originating in the lab. Outside of the lab, Tad also does research with the JHU Sports Analytics Research Group and is the published author of What’s the “Right” Career?
Yuqi Zhang is an undergraduate student at Johns Hopkins University. She is a double major in Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science. Part of her research is on community-level COVID mortality risk and identifying COVID infection risk factors. She also works on polygenic risk score calculation for predicting psychological diseases in the African Ancestry.